BOOKS on China's Ethnic Minority cultures: 

The following is by no means an exhaustive list but simply the best books which I have found thus far on the subject of the Chinese Ethnic Minority costumes and culture.  Hopefully I will be adding this list.

THE YAO   The Mien and Mun Yao in China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand 

by Jess G. Pourret.   published by Art Median Resources. ISBN  1-5886-015-9 thank you Jess for a book packed with information on the Yao Minority.  Currently available check the net 



Clothings and Ornaments of China's Miao People                        Edited by the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in 1985 Beijing,  printed in both English and Chinese Versions.     

Probably  the best book on Miao Minority textiles.  I bought all the extra English copies I could get.   Copies are available on my online catalogue store website: 



Clothings and Ornaments of China's Yi People printed in both English and Chinese Versions.  Edited by the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in 1985 Beijing.  Probably  the best book on Yi minority textiles.   


BONDING VIA BABY CARRIERS   the art and soul of the Miao and Dong people  

by Yu-Chiao Liu Lan, Christi Lan Lin, Brenda Lin...published by Les Enphantis Co.  ISBN 957-744-658-2  

Currently available from several sources...check the internet.



  EVERY STEP A LOTUS   by Dorothy Ko. 

 Packed with information on the China's history and practice of foot binding.  

Available as a  remaindered copy from various sources ....check the internet.




Published by Beijing Publishing House, Tibetan Peoples Press        ISBN  7-200-04587-X    /J 389   

Text is in English  and book is both organized and informative.  Some of the pictures are reproduced from old postcards...




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